
Showing posts from May, 2021

Physical divisions of India more details

NORTHERN PLAINS: DIVISION 1.      Punjab Plains: ·          The Punjab plains form the western part of the northern plain. ·          In the east, the Delhi-Aravalli ridge separates it from the Ganga plains. ·          This is formed by the Indus and its tributaries; like Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi, Beas and Sutlej. A major portion of these plains is in Pakistan. ·          It is divided into many Doabs (do-“two” + ab- “water or river” = “a region or land lying between and reaching to the meeting of the two rivers”). Khadar and Bhangar ·          Important features: ·                  Khadar rich flood plains known as ‘Betlands’ or ‘ Bets ’. ·          The rivers in Punjab-Haryana plains have broad flood plains of Khadar flanked by bluffs, locally known as  Dhayas. ·          The northern part of this plane adjoining the Shivalik hills has been heavily eroded by numerous streams, which are called  Chhos . ·          The southwestern parts, especially the Hisar district is sandy and character

Physical divisions of INDIA- class IX

  Class IX: Chapter 2 - Physical Features of India TOPICS TO BE COVERED: 1. The Physical features of India. 2. Theory of Plate Tectonic. 3. Type of Plate boundaries - Convergent,Divergent and Transform. 4. The Continental Drift Theory. 5. The Major Physiographic Divisions of India -- The Himalayan Mountains, The Northern Plains, The Peninsular Plateau, The Indian Desert, The Coastal Plains, and The Islands 6. The Great Himalayas, three parallel ranges in its longitudinal extent --The Great or Inner Himalayas or Himadri, The Lesser Himalaya or Himachal and The Shiwaliks 7. Division of Himalayan regions from west to east -- Punjab Himalayas, Kumaon Himalayas, Nepal Himalayas and Assam Himalayas 8. The Northern Plains, three sections of Northern Plain--Punjab Plains, Ganga Plains and Brahmaputra Plains 9. Division of northern plain on the basis of relief features; divided into four regions--Bhabar, Terai, Bhangar and Khadar 10. The Peninsular Plateau, which is broadly divided into two reg