
Showing posts from April, 2024

Natural Resource: Land, Soil, Water

  Natural Resource : Land, Soil, Water The following are the major topics and subtopics of Chapter 2 that students will cover while studying this chapter: Land 1. Land Use 2. Conservation of land resource Soil 1. Factors of soil formation 2. Degradation of soil 3. Conservation of soil Water 1. Water availability problems 2. Conservation of water resources It is a known fact that 90% of the world population inhabits only 30% of the available land area. The remaining 70% of the land is either uninhabited or sparsely populated. Land, soil, and water are the abiotic resources of the earth. They also comprise the most important resources. Biotic resources are composed of natural vegetation and wildlife resources. Both Biotic and abiotic resources are exhaustible in nature. Hence, humans should practise judicious use of these resources to enhance their longevity and sustainability.    Land is considered the most important natural resource. It covers about 30% of the total area of the earth’s